Little Words

Two of the most important words in the English language are little. They could fit into the palms of even the tiniest hands. And yet, we still don't find the time to fit them into our days. Here at Grandma's House we do our best to always say the little words. So we would like to say THANK YOU to you. For reading this, for being an active participant in our cause. We want to say THANK YOU to every single person who donated to us on Arkansas Gives Day. Whether it was one dollar or a hundred dollars-THANK YOU. We say THANK YOU to every person who came out on Friday and joined us at our first Grandma's House Gala. To each guest who made a donation or bought an item from our auction-THANK YOU. We also want to say THANK YOU to every business that has sponsored an event. From our Pasta & Pie event in Carroll County to Arkansas Gives Day to our Grandma's House Gala-THANK YOU. We know we will never be able to say these little words enough, but we want to try so THANK YOU.